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Sedation Dentistry – Los Gatos, CA

Helping You Feel Comfortable in the Treatment Chair

Does the thought of an upcoming dental appointment send you running for the hills? You’re certainly not alone. In fact, a majority of American adults have reported experiencing uncomfortable or anxious feelings when faced with the same scenario. At Los Gatos Dental Group, we make it a priority to help people feel safe and comfortable within our walls. If our friendly approach isn’t enough, sedation services are available to ward off those negative emotions, leaving you relaxed as we improve the health and beauty of your smile. After learning about your unique needs and level of dental phobia, Dr. Diercks, or Dr. Karamardian will help you choose the option that works best for you.

Don’t let dental fear hold you back from enjoying great oral health. Instead, contact our dental office to schedule an appointment with our staff and experience relaxing sedation dentistry in Los Gatos, CA!

Fearful dental patient in need of sedation dentistry

Why Choose Los Gatos Dental Group for Sedation Dentistry?

  • Dentist Trained to Administer IV Conscious Sedation
  • Friendly, Kind, & Understanding Team
  • Comfortable, Non-Clinical Dental Office Environment

Oral Conscious Dental Sedation

Patient taking oral conscious dental sedation pill

Like the name suggests, oral conscious sedation relies on the use of an oral sedative to calm nerves and help you achieve a deep state of genuine comfort and peace during any procedure. The effects differ, but most people feel relaxed and often don’t even remember much about their appointment once it’s finished. People undergoing oral conscious sedation will need a trusted family member or friend to both bring them to and from our Los Gatos dental office, as well as watch out for them at home until they’ve fully recovered.

IV Conscious Dental Sedation

Dental team member setting up I V conscious dental sedation drip

If your level of dental-related anxiety is severe, our team may recommend IV conscious sedation. This option is also ideal for people who need to undergo multiple lengthy procedures in one day. The sedative (a combination of midazolam and fentanyl) is administered intravenously, and you become deeply relaxed within minutes. This effect is so strong that many people remember virtually nothing from the appointment and feel as though they were asleep, despite remaining conscious the whole way through. We easily adjust dosage, if needed, to improve your experience, and our staff will carefully monitor your oxygen level and pulse at all times. Dr. Diercks has a license from the state of California which allows him to provide this sedation service. He is trained in advanced cardiac support, and our dental office has been inspected and approved for IV conscious sedation by a state examiner.

The effects of IV conscious sedation will last for the rest of the day, which is why it’s necessary that someone drive you home from your procedure and stay with you. By the next morning, you should feel back to normal and ready to share your improved smile with the world!