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Restore Your Smile with Dentures

Tried-and-True Tooth Replacement

When you’re missing a few or all of your teeth, it can be hard to find a reason to smile. After all, your ability and desire to talk, eat, or even laugh may not be what it once was. Fortunately, dentures have provided a solution to that problem for generations. Thanks to advancements in modern dentistry, dentures have become even more comfortable and more like natural teeth than ever before, allowing you to easily restore function back to your smile. Whether you’re missing just a few teeth or an entire arch, dentures may be just the thing you need to get your smile back. Contact us today to find out whether dentures from our Los Gatos, CA dentist are right for you!

Get Durable Restorations

Older man with dentures smiling

Why Choose Los Gatos Dental Group for Dentures?

  • Highly Experienced Team of Dentists
  • Start-to-Finish Dental Implant Treatment
  • Comfortable & Stress-Free Atmosphere

The Types of Dentures

Variety of different types of dentures

Dentures in Los Gatos can be used to restore an entire arch of missing teeth or several gaps across the arch to both revitalize your smile’s appearance and improve your ability to eat and speak. They consist of prosthetic teeth attached to an acrylic base that looks just like gum tissue, and they come in three types:

  • Full dentures: These are what you typically think of when you hear the word “dentures.” They consist of an entire row, or arch, of artificial teeth and are held in place using natural suction and a bit of denture adhesive if need be.
  • Partial dentures: For a person with some remaining natural teeth, partial dentures can complete your smile like a missing puzzle piece. This prosthetic normally attaches to the rest of your natural teeth using metal clasps.
  • Implant dentures: By placing anywhere from four to eight dental implants directly into the jawbone, it creates a more stable and long-lasting foundation for either a full or partial denture.

Am I A Good Candidate for Dentures?

Man considering tooth replacement with dentures

Chances are, if you’re missing any number of teeth, dentures may be the right solution to your problem. For just a few missing pearly whites, we can fit you with a partial denture, or a full denture for an entire arch affected by tooth loss. If you want a set of dentures that won’t slip around or lose their fit, implant-retained dentures offer a much more permanent solution.

Before we can place dentures of any variety, we need to make sure your mouth is ready. Sometimes that may involve extracting a tooth or two to make room. Other times it means treating your gums for periodontal disease. Whatever issues must be addressed before you can receive dentures, we will discuss at your consultation.

Understanding the Cost of Dentures

Man discussing the cost of dentures with his dentist

The good news is that most dental insurance plans at least partially cover the cost of dentures. Additionally, they often cover the cost of replacing them every five years or so. However, it’s impossible to give you an estimate of how much you’ll end up paying since every single denture is different, and dental insurance plans vary from patient to patient. Your total cost will be influenced by a few factors, such as how many teeth you’re missing and whether you elect to have your denture anchored by implants. Ultimately, the best way to find out how much a denture will cost for you is to schedule a consultation with us.

Denture Frequently Asked Questions

Full set of dentures in glass of water

New innovations in dentistry allow us to preserve your natural smile for longer; however, tooth loss is still a common occurrence. If you’re among the 35 million people who have experienced extensive tooth loss, dentures in Los Gatos are an affordable and effective solution to replace one or both arches of missing teeth. Although you’re excited to restore your smile, it’s normal to have several questions. We’ll take the time to address them during your initial consultation. While you wait for your visit, here are the answers to a few of the most frequent questions we hear to ease your apprehensions.

Will my dentures look fake?

Let’s face it: dentures have a bad reputation for looking fake; however, new materials and methods allow them to look more realistic than ever. Our dental office uses flexible material to create the base of your denture. We’ll customize it to match your gum tissue while also ensuring a comfortable fit. Your new teeth are made of all ceramic material to look real. We’ll ensure they meet your exact size, shape, and color needs so no one will know they aren’t your own.

How often will I need to replace my dentures?

Although dentures are a quick fix to replace your missing teeth, they don’t last forever. On average, they last about 5 to 8 years before needing to be replaced; however, you can help protect your investment by maintaining them at home. It’s also best to have them relined and adjusted regularly to promote how long they last.

Do I still need to see my dentist?

If you’ve lost all your natural teeth, you might assume you no longer need to see your dentist twice a year for a cleaning and checkup, but this isn’t true. You should still have a semi-annual checkup. We will examine your oral structures to look for any concerning areas, like irritation to your gums or cheeks. We will also examine your dentures to look for any signs of damage and ensure they continue to fit well.

Can I sleep in my dentures?

No one wants to be caught without their teeth, but it’s best not to sleep in your dentures unless we advise you to do so. It’s often recommended you take your dentures out at night because they need to be cleaned and soaked in a special solution. It also gives your gums and bones time to rest to ensure your smile is healthy and refreshed for the next day.

How often should I reline my dentures?

Over time, your jaw will change and shift. As a result, your dentures won’t fit like they had in the past. If you notice they are slipping or causing irritation, it is time schedule an appointment for adjustments. We will refit the base for a more secure fit. If you want to enjoy an added level of stability, ask us how we can secure your denture to your jawbone using dental implants.